Free PERT testing is available from Pensacola State College.
Placement Testing (Grade 11 and Grade 12)
College Placement Test Scores
To be admitted to the Charter Academy for Grade 11 and Grade 12, students must have appropriate scores on an approved college placement test: PERT, ACT, SAT, ACCUPLACER. etc. These test scores must be sent to Pensacola State College. An admission decision will not be made until they are received. If your student needs to take the free PERT or ACCUPLACER test, you may contact the College testing center through this link: Pensacola State College Testing Center to schedule. The Charter Academy does not offer any admissions testing. However, the College offers free admission testing. (select the link above)
Eligible PERT Scores:
Reading: 106, Writing: 103, Math: 114
Eligible ACT Scores:
Reading: 19, English: 17, Math: 19
Pensacola State College’s ACT College Code is 0746.
Eligible SAT Scores:
Reading 24, Writing: 25, Math: 24
Pensacola State College’s SAT College Code is 5535.
Eligible Digital SAT Scores:
Reading and Writing: 490, Math: 480
Pensacola State College’s Digital SAT College Code is 5535.
Eligible PSAT Scores:
Reading: 24, Writing: 25, Math: 24
Pensacola State College’s Digital SAT College Code is 5535.
Eligible Next-Generation ACCUPLACER Scores:
QAS: 261, Reading: 256, Writing: 253
Pensacola State College’s ACCUPLACER College Code is 5535.
Eligible Classical Learning Test Scores:
Sum of Verbal Reasoning and Writing: 38, Quantitative Reasoning: 16
Test Scheduling
If your student needs to get tested, PERT testing is available at all PSC locations. Sign up for free PERT testing here.
PERT Testing Preparation
Please follow this link to download and review a PERT study guide (pdf.)